Going to prison in a dream. What does it mean to go to prison in the dream? What is the meaning?

Going to prison in a dream indicates that the person who sees the dream will get together with the people he loves and cares about and will get rid of the longing. It also indicates that the dreamer is healthy and will live for many years.

Going to prison in a dream. What does it mean to go to prison in the dream? What is the meaning?

To see you going to jail ın a dream

In a dream, it means the same as going to prison. It indicates that the dreamer gathers to do something with his friends and friends whom he has not seen for a long time, and that they talk about the past and their experiences.


To be in a prıson ın the dream

It predicts that, thanks to the great success of the works and projects carried out in business life, being loved by people and attracting attention, they will be promoted to a very good position, a great profit will be made and a respectable place in the society.

To vısıt the prıson ın the dream

It points out that the troubles that arise in the works, the loss will be incurred due to a mistake made in business life, the loss and crisis will grow even more because there is no debt to get rid of the troubles, and there will be very difficult times.

To see prıson ın a dream

It means great distress, trouble, worry and illness. It is interpreted that the person who sees the dream will face very big problems, the existing problems will grow even more and they will cause very deep and permanent damage.

