Kissing ex-love in a dream

What does it mean to kissing ex-love in a dream? What is the meaning of hugging ex-love in a dream? Kissing ex-love in the dream indicates that the dreamer is experiencing an emotional emptiness, which is due to being alone for a long time.

Kissing ex-love in a dream

Kissing the lips of ex-love in a dream

It means that the dreamer, who is in a spiritual emptiness, will inevitably encounter bad events, have a very troubled and difficult period and will have a great success in his/her business life and will gain a large amount of income.

Seeing to kiss ex-love in a dream

It narrates that the person who has the dream cannot get his/her ex-lover out of his/her mind, that he/she still thinks about him/her, that he/she fills the space inside with him/her, and that no matter what he/she does, he/she cannot forget him/her.

Seeing to smooch ex-love in a dream

It signifies that the dreamer, who still feels the pain of separation and thinks about his/her ex-lover for a long time, now accepts this situation and forgets his/her ex-lover and starts a new relationship.

Hugging ex-love in a dream

It indicates that no one can or cannot replace some of the emotions that the ex-lover gave to the person who dreamed, that this is why the dreamer has a great longing and is going through a very troubled period.

Making up with ex-love in a dream

It indicates that there are some problems between the dreamer and his/her ex-lover that need to be solved, that the dreamer will not be comfortable in his/her heart before these problems are solved, and therefore it is better to have a small meeting and solve the problems.

Sleeping with ex-love in a dream

It means that the dreamer will help him/her at a time when his/her ex is in trouble and will provide great support both financially and spiritually.

