Seeing a foreign man in a dream. What does it mean to see a foreign man in a dream? What is the meaning?

To see a foreign man in a dream is a sign of a man who will help the person sometimes. What it means to see a foreign man in a dream is detailed in our news.

Seeing a foreign man in a dream. What does it mean to see a foreign man in a dream? What is the meaning?

Especially people who have difficulties in their real life and have some desires see this dream, they meet a strong and wealthy man and get help from him. If the foreign man is dark, to the ill-wisher soon to be met; if blond, to a sick person; large sums of money to be seized if the foreign man is tall; if the man is short, it indicates difficulty in living.

Talking to a foreign man in the dream

A person who talks to a man he does not know in a dream will soon be in an assembly of people he does not know. This dream indicates making new friends, establishing new friendships, talking to different people and chatting with them, asking for help from a rude superior who will give him trouble.


Following a foreign man in the dream

The person who follows a foreign man in his dream is next to and under the protection of a very big and pious person. This dream is a good person who will guide you, give advice, especially in business life. If the person you follow behind is not a competent person, it is a sign of being harmed, getting into trouble and meeting with a malicious person who will harm him or her and befriend him.


Fighting with a foreign man in the dream

It is an indication that the person who sees such a dream has mistakes in some issues, makes rude gestures and therefore breaks people's hearts. A stranger who is fighting in a dream is an innocent person who will harm you in real life. If the dreamer wins this fight, he will persecute people in the world; If the other man wins the fight, it indicates that the bad behavior of the dreamer will be prevented. Fighting with a non-Muslim man in a dream is seen as an auspicious dream. In religion, it is interpreted to be victorious and to defeat a hypocrite.
