Seeing green onions in a dream

What does it mean to see onions in a dream? What does it mean to see green onion field in a dream? Why we have such a dream? What is the interpretation of eating a cooked onion in a dream?

Seeing green onions in a dream

Seeing green onions in your dream refers to working hard, having difficulties, sweating, taking the weight of life as a burden, and continuing your life in this way.

It means that the dreamer will have a hard life and will get what he wants by force and difficulty. It is narrated that the person can achieve a comfortable life only by paying the price of it.

Seeing green onion field in a dream

Seeing a field of green onions in a dream is bad luck. It means that the dreamer's relationship with his loved ones will be bad, voices will raise against each other, and fists will be raised. It is called ending relations, being enemies with friends, and spoiling good relations with people.

Eating green onions in a dream

Eating green onions in a dream is not good. It indicates that bad and negative events will happen, the person will have bad days, that his order, peace, joy and health will deteriorate. At the same time, it portends being sinful and doing faulty work.

Seeing spring onions in a dream

Seeing spring onions in a dream has the same meaning and is interpreted in a similar way. It is interpreted that the dream owner will have a difficult life and he will earn money by working day and night.

Seeing onions in a dream

Seeing onions in a dream means doing things that are not acceptable and halal in the sight of Allah, making money with these works, and being sinful by lurching the others.

Seeing that you eat cooked onions in your dream

Seeing that you eat cooked onions in your dream indicates that you will never forget your mistakes that you did before and will make double efforts to be a good servant in the sight of Allah.

Peeling onions in a dream

Peeling onions in a dream indicates that the person who sees the dream is satisfied with his income and joy, and what he has is enough to make him happy.

