Seeing obscene parts of body in a dream

Have you ever had such dreams? If you had, you are going to learn from this interpretation. So, what is the meaning of seeing obscene parts of body in a dream?

Seeing obscene parts of body in a dream

Seeing obscene parts in a dream has many meanings and is expressed in more than one way. On the one hand, it means happiness, beauty, health, and goodness, on the other hand, it is considered as bad luck, misfortune, and malice.

It is said that many misfortunes will happen to the dreamer, his income will decrease, he will have financial difficulties, he will not be able to get rid of diseases. Seeing an obscene part in a dream is also interpreted as abundance, fertility, and blessing.

Seeing hair on obscene parts of body in a dream

Seeing hair on the obscene part in a dream is interpreted as an increase in earnings. It is said that the dream owner's business will be better, his plans and projects will bring goodness for him, and thus his will be wealthier.

Cleaning obscene parts in a dream

Having this dream is expressed as salvation. It indicates that the person who sees the dream will leave his troubles and will leave the tears behind. He will have good days, and he will begin to live in peace and well-being. It means that the person will enjoy his life.

Seeing a woman’s obscene parts of her body in a dream

It is very beneficial to see the private part of a woman in a dream. It signifies having a child, getting rid of poverty and illness, peace, abundance, and fortune. It means that the person who sees the dream will have a life that he will live happily for many years.


Seeing a man’s obscene parts in a dream

Having this dream is not good, it is considered as bad luck. It indicates that fortune and luck will come to an end, and the days that will pass with poverty will come. It signifies unfortunate events and tears.

Seeing private parts of body in a dream

Seeing private parts of body in a dream is not good. It is interpreted that it indicates moving away from religion and morality, being arrogant and brazen, stealing the rights of others by taking wrong paths, slandering, getting involved in gossip, being deceived by the malicious intentions of bad people, and taking steps in this direction.

Seeing the private part in a dream interpreted in different ways. He is an imaginary and moral person in real life who sees his private part in his dream and ashamed of it. A person who sees his private part and is not ashamed of it, commits many sins without hesitation. This dream sometimes points to adultery or being in places that are not suitable for the person.

Seeing your obscene part of body uncovered in a dream

If the person who sees that his private part is uncovered in his dream and disturbed by this situation, this dream is beneficial for that person. If the dreamer is not disturbed by this situation, it is a harbinger of the need to pay attention to his movements and behaviors in real life and that there may be some disgraceful situations in the society.


Covering the obscene parts of body in a dream

The person who has this dream is a person who is respected in the society with his behavior and loved by everyone. Sometimes, this dream indicates turning from mistakes, regretting mistakes, reaching guidance after perversion, finding salvation, and reaching a good rank among the people.

Looking at the obscene part of someone’s body in a dream

A person who looks at someone’s obscene parts in a dream commits a sin or approaches adultery. This dream is sometimes interpreted as a cheeky man who is not ashamed and sees everything as permissible, a bad-tempered person to be encountered in real life, showing people forbidden places, being alone with a person who is not suitable for him.
