Seeing your old house in a dream

What does it mean to have a dream about your old house? Does it bring good or bad luck? Here are the details.

Seeing your old house in a dream

Seeing your old house in the dream is a sign that the person who dreamed is very bored with the environment he/she is currently in, has great problems and troubles, wants to return to his/her old days to get rid of these problems and troubles because he/she misses the safe and comfortable life of that time, and therefore has very uneasy times. At the same time, it narrates that he/she will take very big and clever steps in education and business life, but there will be huge failures due to wrong decisions or timing mistakes.

Cleaning up your old house in a dream

It indicates that the dream owner will soon regain better opportunities than the opportunities he/she missed due to the wrong decisions made in his/her business life, this time he/she will make great gains by making better and more accurate decisions, that he/she will be supported by a good work and that the bad luck will be broken.


Moving to your old house in a dream

It is said that the dreamer will benefit from a job or a work he/she has done in the past years in order to solve a problem that has been confused his/her mind for a long time, to eliminate the existing trouble and to increase his/her earnings, and thus he/she will easily solve his/her problem and be at ease.

Seeing to move your old house in a dream

It indicates that the dreamer, who came to a very good place in business life, had a great difficulty in solving a matter in a study he/she had recently taken, could not get out of the job even though he/she tried hard, and eventually he/she will take lesson from one of his/her past works and will do his/her job very easily.


Seeing the house that you used to live in a dream

It is interpreted that the dreamer has gone through a very difficult period in his/her business life and family life, is in a very bad mood and misses his/her past life very much.


