What does it mean cleaning house in the dream?

What does it mean? Why do we see such dreams? What is the meaning of this dream?Cleaning a house in a dream is interpreted as a very positive dream.

What does it mean cleaning house in the dream?

It is a sign that the problems that the dreamer has been experiencing for a long time in his business life will be resolved with great effort and patience, the money problems that are reflected in his family life will disappear as soon as possible, and very nice and peaceful days are very soon.

Cleaning the front of your house in a dream

To clean the front of your house in a dream indicates that the dreamer will come to the house of one of the people he loves and values ​​very much, and the person who sees the dream will be very happy with the arrival of this person.


Cleaning windows in a dream

It is a sign that good and auspicious news is about to come, which the person has been waiting for a long time for a work or a project related to his business life or education life.

Cleaning the pan in a dream

To clean pans or cook pots in your dream indicates that a long-standing debt, which has been taken to reveal a work in social or business life, will be completed as soon as possible.

Cleaning a refrigerator in a dream

Cleaning a refrigerator in a dream means that the person who sees the dream will earn a lot of money from the works he does or will do in his business or social life, and thus he will see a lifetime of abundance in his household.


Cleaning a chimney in a dream

Cleaning a chimney in a dream indicates that there will be very peaceful and joyful days in family and social life and a healthy and spacious life will be lived.

To see that you are sweeping your house in a dream

To see that you are sweeping your house in a dream means that the dreamer will put his money or property as capital for the new work he will do in his business life or a project he will reveal, and he will try to enter bigger businesses.

Cleaning someone else's house in a dream

It means supporting someone to cover their faults, by giving them advice to make up for the mistake they made, or by paving the way for them. Sweeping and cleaning someone else's house in a dream means reaching the result in a longer term. Cleaning someone else's house by washing in a dream is interpreted to offer more practical solutions, to finish a job in a short time and to know how to reach a goal in the shortest way.

Cleaning a wooden house in a dream

It points to being appreciated, loved and valued by doing something for the good and benefit of everyone. Cleaning an old wooden house in a dream indicates that the person who sees the dream will approach with the constructive side and overcome a problem. To see of cleaning a new wooden house in your dream refers to an item or property that will not make you sleep with joy and that you want to meet with impatience, or a special day that you want to live completely different from these.
