What does it mean to see another city in a dream?

What is the meaning of this dream? Moving to another city in a dream. To see another city in a dream means getting a good opportunity and changing your life thanks to this opportunity.

What does it mean to see another city in a dream?

Alright; What does it mean to have a dream about moving to another city? Here are the details... Seeing another city in a dream also means changing a job or moving house with a sudden decision. It also indicates that the dreamer will want to get away from everyone because of a secret he has kept from his family, will not be seen for a while and will suspend social relations.

Seeing another city means erasing the old one, and it also indicates that the current relationship about love will end, and that you will meet a new person and start flirting. If a beautiful city is seen, it is interpreted as a good start. To see that you have moved to a ruined old city means that you will repeat a mistake that you have sworn to never make again, and therefore will enter into a vicious circle, be depressed mentally, and experience difficulties in your business life as your self-confidence decreases.


To see you moving to another city in a dream

To see that you have moved to another city in a dream indicates that you will find the happiness you are looking for and will achieve everything you dreamed of because your heart is clean. Moving to a big city indicates receiving news that will suddenly excite one and lead to good dreams, joyfully giving good news to everyone, moving to a small city indicates a decrease in sustenance or a decrease in share.

Journey to another city in a dream

Traveling to another city in a dream is a sign of support from a close friend for someone who is looking for a way out of trouble or clearing debts. It is also interpreted as seizing money that does not have to be repaid or asking for a loan from the family. It also informs that some quarrels between husband and wife in marriages will end with the decision to leave for a while.


Psychological interpretation of seeing another city in a dream

Seeing another city in a dream expresses the situations that the dreamer wants to escape from, and also indicates that there is too much pressure in the family. It indicates that the person thinks his freedom is in danger, he wants to go to a place further away from the situation he is in and from the people he is in contact with, and the great longing for someone who is far away.
